there bo这样的造句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 10:24:51
there be 不是there bo 打错了

应该是there be 吧?

There is no good in going. 去没有什么好处。
There is no harm in doing that. 那样做并无害处。
There is no use in doing it. 干此事毫无用处。

There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等候下去毫无意义。
There is no point in doing so. 这样做毫无意义。
There is no disgrace in failing once. 一旦失败也不丢脸。

There is no saying what may happen. 很难说会发生什么事。
There is no telling when he will return. 说不清他何时回来。
There is no knowing when we shall meet again. 不知何时我们能再相会。

There isn’t any getting away from it. 要从它那里逃脱是不可能的。
There was never believing half of what he said. 他的话连一半也不信。
There’s never any predicting what they will do next. 无法料及他们下一步将会干什么