
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:29:06
3、福佬民系:Hoklo 又称河洛民系主要集中分布于福建、台湾、海南等省大部份地区及广东潮汕、雷州地区一部份。福佬民系所操的汉语被称为闽语、闽方言或福佬话、河洛话,以闽南方言(包括:福建泉漳方言台湾闽南语、广东潮州、雷州方言和海南方言)为代表。
4、客家民系:hakka 主要集中分布于广东东北部、福建西部和江西南部。客家民系所操的汉语被称为客语、客方言或客家话、怀远话,以广东梅州方言为代表。

1, the people of the North: mainly distributed in northern China and most areas of southwestern Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi the north, the northern part of Jiangsu Province and other places. By the people of the north-speaking the language known as the Northern dialect or so north to Beijing dialect (formerly Peking words) as the representative.
2, the Department of Cantonese: cantonese also known as the South of Henman, the Department of Guangdong and Guangxi local people or the people of Guangdong, Cantonese people of mainly located in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in most parts of Guangxi south, east and southern part of Hunan Province Villages. Overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in 87 percent of the House is a widely. Cantonese-speaking people by the Department of the Chinese referred to as Cantonese, Cantonese or Cantonese, Cantonese, vernacular, Tang words. Guangzhou dialect as the representative.
3, the people of Hoklo: Hoklo also known a