
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:04:44
Tomorrow we are going to xiangjiang zoo. We are going to se the white tigers there.Lin Dongsays there are more crocodiles in thie zoo than in any other zoos in Asia.Lin Dong's uncle is going to have awedding on the weekend,ang l'mgoing to the wedding witj them.I have never been to a chinese wedding before.It'sexciting,isn't it?I just can't wait!


1.What is special about Xiangjiang zoo?

2.Why is Fred excited about the weekend?

1.What is special about Xiangjiang zoo?
There are more crocodiles in this zoo than in any other zoos in Asia.

2.Why is Fred excited about the weekend?
He is going to a Chinese wedding that he has never been to.

1.there are more crocodiles in thie zoo than in any other zoos in Asia

2.l'm going to the wedding of Lin Dong's uncle and I have never been to a chinese wedding before.