高分急求managing risk to avoid supply-chain breakdown中文版

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自然灾害,劳资纠纷,恐怖主义和更多的世俗的风险可以严重破坏或拖延流动的物质,信息和现金,通过一个组织的供应链。 The authors assert that how well a company fares against such threats will depend on its level of preparedness, and the type of disruption.作者断言,如何,以及一间公司的票价对这种威胁将取决于它的准备程度,以及类型的中断。 Each supply-chain risk to forecasts, information systems, intellectual property, procurement, inventory and capacity has its own drivers and effective mitigation strategies.每个供应链的风险预测,信息系统,知识产权,采购,库存和能力,有自己的司机和有效的减灾战略。 To avoid lost sales, increased costs or both, managers need to tailor proven risk-reduction strategies to their organizations.为了避免销售损失,增加的成本,或两者,经理需要度身订造的证明,减少风险的策略,以他们的组织。

Managing supply-chain risk is difficult, however.管理供应链的风险是困难的,不过。 Dell, Toyota, Motorola and other leading manufacturers excel at identifying and neutralizing supply-chain risks through a delicate balancing act: keeping inventory, capacity and related elements at appropriate levels across the entire supply chain in