
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:08:33

A: Hi, I'd like to book an appointment with Dr. Li please.
B: Is Tuesday afternoon at 2pm ok for you?
A: That's perfect.
C: Can I help you?
A: Yes I'm here to see Dr. Li.
C: Do you have an appointment.
A: Yes, my name is A.
C: Ok. He is waiting for you in room 2.
A: Thanks.
D: Come in.
A: Hi, Dr. Li?
D: Yes, please take a seat. What can I do for you?
A: I have a cold and a fever.
D: How long have you had this?
A: Since two days ago.
D: I am just going to ask my assistant to run some tests for you.
E: Ok, I shall take his heart beat, check his blood pressure and his tempreature.
E: Follow me please A.
A: Thanks.
E: Please relax and breathe in and out normally as I do those.
E: Yes you have a fever, but it's not very serious. Let me get the results to Dr. Li.
D: I see. Here is my prescription. Please take this to the collection window, they will get the medicin