
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 09:11:37
我猜想她很可能作出了一个错误的决定. 我真想知道为什么那些取得很大进步的人总还对自己不满意. 你很快就会适应这种生活方式. 在我们国家,青年人按照自己的意愿选择妻子或丈夫. 这本书我花了一星期的时间才读完

I suspected that she has possibly made a wrong decision. I want to know that really why these do obtain the very greatly progressive person not to be always unsatisfied to oneself. You very quick will adapt this life style. In our country, the young people choose the wife or the husband according to their wish. This book I spent star time time only then to read off.

i assume that shes made a wrong decision.
i really wonder how come those who have make huge progress are stil
l unsatisfied.
you will sooner or later to get used to this life style.
in our country, young people choose their wives/husbands on their own.
i spent one week to finish this book.

I suppose that she may have made a wrong decision.
I really want to know why those people are not content with themselves though they've made great progress.
You will get used to this life style very soon.
In our country, the youngs select their wives or husbands according