
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 02:17:52
1.Think International from the Start

Avoid culture-bound cliches. References to your national sport may well fall flat. Ditto literary/cultural metaphors. Tread carefully with references to parts of the human body, viewed differently by different cultures.
For written documents, don’t box yourself in by linking your pitch to visuals that may not carry the same meaning outside your native country—forcing translators to resort to cumbersome wordplay and workarounds.
In January 1998 British Prime Minister Tony Blair told a group of Japanese businessmen that his government intended to go “the full monty” in putting the U.K. economy on a sound footing. Blank faces: the film had not yet been released in Japan. (Decades earlier, Field Marshal Montgomery had flummoxed BBC foreign-language services with a cricket metaphor: “we’ll hit them for six !” he told his troops on the eve of the battle of EI Alamein).


1998年1月,英国首相布莱尔告诉一群日本商人,他的政府打算去“的全部六壮士”把英国经济具有良好的基础。空白的面孔:电影尚未在日本发行。 (十年前,蒙哥马利元帅曾困惑英国广播公司外语服务,板球的比喻: “我们会打击他们六个! ”他说他的部队的前夕战役酶联阿拉曼) 。
2. At present, not on good authority that one of the ways superior than the other way. Moreover, the situation is likely to be this way, that is a method to study the use of CFD simulation of turbulence proved to be the best, and to verify the performance of the experimental model aircraft, and the other method may prove to be the best.

避免了使用带文化色彩的俚语。国家体育项目的解说可能达不到预期效果。文学和文化的修辞的应用效果同上。 然而使用俚语时尤其要注意当涉及到身体部分的短语,要知道不同的国家对待身体各部分的看法是不同的。
198年1月,英国首相托尼布莱尔对一些日本商业家说:英国政府带领英国经济稳步发展是一件肯定无意义的事the full monty(光猪六壮士-一部电影名字)。日本人一脸茫然:这部电影还没有在日本上映呢。(几十年前,Field Marshal Montgomery 将军曾在BBC外语节目中座谈,谈到他带领他的军队上战场前夜说了一句话,并引用了一个板球中常用的比喻:我们将给