英语演讲 新学期新气象

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:43:29
要参加演讲比赛,题目是 新学期新气象,高中水平的就好,时间在三分钟左右的,帮帮忙啦

While many who maintain this viewpoint that people can get more by reading books than they can according to television claim that the former brings more motivation than the latter.I am convinced that nothing can beat acquisition of knowledge by watching TV,which contains a plethora of information ,renews the messages more swiftly and provides both information and enjoyment.

Initially,one issue which makes me support this is that television programs contains amounts of messages which cannot be searched in books.For instance,many often watch TV at home,which is transmitted by digital siginal and including tens of channels at least,even several hundred.In addition,each channel broadcasts different programs.Take CCTV for an example,there are tens of channels belongs to CCTV,which are comprehensive channel,art channel,movie channel,agriculture channel,science and technology channel and so on.We can make choice for which we are interested in because of a plethora of knowledge.<