请问单词emetogenic 是什么意思?急呀

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 13:40:39
Agents with the highest emetogenic potential result in emesis during the first 24 h post-chemotherapy (acute CINV) in well over 90% of patients without anti-emetic prophylaxis and include cisplatin, high-dose cyclophosphamide, carmustine, dacarbazine,mechlorethamine, and streptozotocin [1–3]. Patient characteristics that increase the risk of CINV include female gender, younger age, previous exposure to chemotherapy,history of alcohol abstention, and presence of nausea and vomiting with prior chemotherapy [4].


代理商的最高致呕性潜力呕吐导致在第一个24小时后化疗(急性CINV )以及在90 %以上的患者,反引起呕吐的预防和包括顺铂,高剂量环磷酰胺,氮芥,达卡巴嗪,氮芥,并链[ 1-3 ] 。病人的特点,增加风险CINV包括女性性别,年龄,以前的接触化疗,历史上的酒精票弃权,以及存在的恶心和呕吐,应事先化疗[ 4 ] 。

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