
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 13:38:01
像 因为 所以 虽然 但是 的有没?

He is absent, because he is ill. 因为生病,所以他没来。
比较:He is absent, for he is busy. (“生病”是“缺席”的必然原因,“忙”不是必然原因。)

for 语气轻,表示非客观必然的原因,是主观可改变结果的原因,甚至是猜测可能的原因:
He must be ill, for he is absent. “缺席”不一定是“生病”,只是交流猜测。
for 不能放句首,它是并列连词.

since,as 都是不讲自明的原因,是已知的原因.
Since I am a boy, let me carry the case.
As you don't feel well,you had better stay at home.

1.我不进去了,因为我爸爸在里面. I won't go in .for my father is there.
2.昨晚一定是下雨了,因为地很湿. It must have rained last night,for the ground is web.
3.地是湿的,因为昨晚下雨了. The ground is wet, because it rained last night.
4.因为不高兴,他不想出去了. He diden't wanted to go out,for he was unhappy.
5.既然你工作忙,你就不必跟我们一道去了。 Since/As you are busy, you had better not go with us.
6.他付给我比别人少的钱,因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, for I'm female.
7.他付给我比别人少的钱,仅仅因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, only becaus