
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 18:34:43
The Lima market is practically inactive with only small parcels being traded. So the prices reported from Lima trade sources do not seem to be representative of a really liquid market. Bids remain low, clearly below the $900/MT FOB level for FAQ qualities and at or below $1000/MT FOB FCL for prime and super-prime steam dried qualities. But most producers do not close at these levels. Some buying interest has developed for “new crop” production, i.e. production from the next season’s landings. It is hard to believe that it is anything more than a way to test the trends of the market for delivery periods when buyers are practically uncovered.

利马市场是实际不活泼的与被换的仅小小包。 因此价格自商业来源不似乎是一个真正地液体市场的代表的利马报导。 出价依然是低,明显地在$900/MT FOB水平之下常见问题解答质量的和在或在$1000/MT头等和超级头等蒸汽的FOB FCL之下干质量。 但是多数生产商不关闭在这些水平。 一些买的兴趣为“new crop”生产,即从下次season’s着陆的生产开发了。 相信是难它比方式是任何更多测试市场的趋向交货期,当实际揭露时买家。

利马的市场实际上是无效,只有小包裹被交易。因此,报告的价格从利马贸易来源似乎并不代表一个真正高流动性的市场。出价仍然很低,明显低于美元的水平900/MT离岸价为常见的素质和在或低于$ 1000/MT离岸整箱总理和超级蒸汽干燥首相的素质。但是,大多数生产者不要关闭在这些级别。一些买盘兴趣已开发的“新作物”生产,即生产从下赛季的起降。很难相信,这是任何一个多方式来测试的趋势市场的交付期限时,买主几乎发现。