
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:38:35
Faced with a deep credibility problem, the US financial authorities decided to bail out some key players of the world financial structure. Firstly, last week, it was the $200 billion cash support to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac organizations which constitute the heart of the entire US mortgage sector. Secondly, the $85 billion salvage operation of the AIG group early this week clearly showed that the US authorities did not want to be held responsible for a complete meltdown of the world financial sectors. AIG is the largest world insurance group and a bankruptcy filing of this institution would have been tremendously damaging to the entire world financial markets, particularly in the key Asian region. However, they remained firm in not accepting to bail out the investment banks such as Lehmann Brothers. More recently, the names of Morgan Stanley and even Goldman Sachs (!) appeared in the news as possible victims. As a consequence of this firm standing of the US authorities, the dollar sh


一楼总体翻译得不错,不过最后一句彻底翻译反了, sharply rallied 应该是大幅反弹,或者说是大幅回升才对.came back to levels unseen in the past months直译就是回到过去几个月不曾见到的高度,实际意思是反弹创下了几个月来的新高.