翻译 汉语翻译成英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:16:00

1. The history musuem is located in the city downtown. A modern and beautiful building, it is one of the landmarks of our city.

2. There're many exhibits in the musuem. Touching and photographing of the artifacts is prohibited. More info about the artifacts can be found by using the computers in the museum.

2. We can learn a lot more about history by visiting the museum.

1. Museum of History is located downtown, outside both modern and beautiful architecture, the city is a symbol of one of the
2. There are a lot of museum exhibits, but are not allowed to touch or take pictures. In the museum's computer to find relevant information
3. Visited the museum can be a lot of growth in the history of knowledge
