
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 11:22:23

Plastic and the Food Chain
Plastic Accumulates in Rivers, Oceans, Fish, and Us
作者:Sara E. Lewis

Sep 10, 2007

Plastic is man-made -- not easily broken down or reabsorbed by the environment. Clean-ups, consumer awareness, and alternative materials are needed.

News about plastic compounds in pet foods and toothpaste from China caught headlines in 2007. Afterwards, the USDA and FDA reported that they are investigating and testing a variety of imported food additives. Officials assured the public that, “The inspections are a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of products entering at U.S. ports of entry. There is no evidence to suggest products bound for the human food supply are contaminated.”

But the truth is that recent worries about plastics are the tip of the iceberg. Researchers have been concerned for some time about chemical compounds that make up plastic materials getting into the food supply. Plastic is the word we u