请大家帮忙翻译一下 急需吖~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:44:19
请大家帮忙翻译一下 急需吖~~在线翻译不准确吖~~

我们之所以将这样的策略称为“大熔炉”政策,是因为采取这样的政策的共和国具有包容和融合异质的族群的巨大的能力。这“大熔炉”里面的熔剂,就是上述的以公民的权利认同为核心的政治文化。一个新的异质的族群,可以自由地保持自身的个性,但是,它想要融入这个国家的前提是,它的个体必须学习和接受这一政治文化,因此,假如一个族群的传统习俗中有着与上述公民文化相抵触的东西,它就必须通过自我调整和改革来适应这一公民文化。而一旦它做到了这一点,就可以以带有自身个性的方式融入“大熔炉” 中,和其它族群和谐相处

So-called “the big furnace” the strategy is refers to, in the political stratification plane, the country treats various tribal grouping tribal groups equally the individual, disregards between various tribal grouping tribal groups completely the difference, but gives each person absolutely same political rights. This is based on the constitutional government democracy political philosophy: The country is constructs the base in it with each citizen between about above the equal protection individual right basic political contract - - constitution, but the basic political rights are also based on between the human nature which and the human and the human ultra examines the congenital existence legal principle theory of law relations, does not relate with the people in the experience world in cultural and the physiological characteristic's difference; In the cultural stratification plane, lets all individuals in the religious belief, the language use and