
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 17:10:25
翻译成英语 谢咯:

I've setup the configurations as you said, but I still can't login the website. At French time 2:00AM, I could login the website, but after about 10 mins, it shut off. Enclosed is the sreenshot of my configuration, please point out the mistakes to me. Furthermore, my friends also can't login the website, so please don't mention killing virus to me again. From application till now, 11 days has passed, and I still can't login the website. It has already delayed my original schedule. If this condition continues, I will cancel the service and apply for drawback.

I have set all those requirements just as what you said. But the website is still unable to be visited. However, this evening(2:00AM France time) it is able to be visited. Ten minutes later, it does not work again. The following is the picture I set, and I want you to check where I have set uncorrectly. My friends cannot visit the website either. So please do not say any word about antivirus. Until now,