
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 15:33:42
大家好 我写个自我介绍 帮我写成英文谢谢啦! 接这里开始啦: 大家好 我很荣幸我能有机会站在这裏向你们介绍我自己, 我的名字叫做单双, 来自中国第一大庄石家庄 ,巨蟹座的我乐于助人, 活泼开朗.20岁的我,追求音乐,喜欢运动,古筝是我的最爱,有我的地方就一定会有欢声笑语.在这个多梦的年龄,每个人心中都有一个梦想,就像每个孩子都有一个天堂.而我的梦想就是走上这个舞台,站在这里,把我的风采展示给大家,把我的快乐带给大家.也许今天的我不够优秀,但明天的我一定精彩. 帮我写成英文 谢谢大家啦!

Hello everyone, I am very honored to be here and introduce myself to all of you. My name is Shan Shuang, I'm from Shijiazhuang, China. Being a Cancer, I love to help others, and am very outgoing. I am 20 years old, love music, love sports. Chinese Guzheng is my favorite. There is always laughter wherever I go. At this dreamful age, everyone has a dream, just like every child has a paradise. My dream is to come up on this stage, be here, show you my charisma, and bring you my happiness. Today I might not be excellent enough, tomorrow though I will surely live out a fantasy!

hey this speech is pretty impressive. Way to go, you have my support! :)

hello everybody, nice to meet you all.

i'm very proud that i have this opportunity,stand in front of here, to introduce myself to you all.

my name is 单双(你的英文名怎么念),come from one of the biggest village in china--called石家庄.

my zodiac is cancer, as a cancer,