来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:30:03

正式的叫:mine protected vehicle 是战争中用来保护军车、士兵以免受到地雷攻击的一种战地车辆。

One of the most important requirements for combat vehicle's protection is counter mine design. Traditionally, guerilla forces used standard mines to hit enemy patrols and military vehicles. Such mines included small (anti-personnel) or larger anti-tank mines, as well as armor penetrating and self-forged fragmentation (SFF) mines. Mines originally developed as a defensive weapon, were originally used to delay and disrupt enemy movements into a defense organized area. Mines are usually laid on the ground either exposed or buried, and are activated by pressure, magnetic influence, or other effects (tripwire, etc.). When employed by paramilitary and guerilla forces, mines are used mainly buried in unpaved remote countryside routes. Mines are usually based on few common operating mechanisms, which are familiar to mine disposal professionals. Therefore, effective protection and countermine techniques can be employed