
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:36:41
Put the following sentences into English by using the words or phrases below.
offer; find out; sign up for; arrange for; expect

1. 我已经报名参加当地大学开设的一门课程。
2. 我父亲安排好让他的司机到机场来接我。
3. 请你设法打听一下飞机什么时候起飞好吗?
4. 你不能指望别人一直帮你。
5. 露西表示愿意帮我找到那本书。

1. I have signed up for a course in local university.
2. My father arranged so that his driver will pick me up in the ariport.
3. can you please try to find out when the plane took off.
4. You can not always expecting on others help.
5. Lucy offered to help me find the book.