中文翻译到英文. 难倒一大堆人的.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:22:14
有没有准确点能翻译出来的啊?全部都有点偏离了...晕!!!!!难道没有一个能接近点的么? ::::::::::::::::::::::::大家觉得谁接近::::::::投票 :::;没有一个接近意思/

Dont know what I m waiting for! Waiting for spiring turn to winter? Waiting for the hair to turn gray?? Are we (既然有用头发的比喻,我就假设有人/多人了,没错吧?!)just gonna keep waiting like this???

i don't know what i am waiting for!

well, am i waiting for the time passing in vain?
am i waiting for my hair turning into gray?

then, will i wait like this forever?


I'm at a loss what I'm waiting for! Waiting for the passing of precious time? Waiting for the wasting of my youth? Am I to wait like this forever?

I do not know what is waiting?
To wait for spring to autumn or to the white hair?
Are we going to have been waiting for this?

I have no idea about what on earth I am waiting. For seasons changing? For youth fading? Should I continue to wait?

I am waiting for someting
yeah,yeah,yep,yes,I am waiting for ...

the times flies the grey hairs?

oh,I am just waiting for. ----noting!