急需有关cultural conflict的小故事

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:50:32

Cultural Conflict--Queuing at the Toilet- -

Chinese Perspective

There have never been enough public toilets compared to China's enormous population. However, this does not explain why Chinese line up differently from their Western counterparts. It is probably because people were tired of seeing a long line in the rest room. Somehow, they started to form lines in front of individual toilet. This way, the lines seem shorter and people can hope that the line they have taken would be the "express" line.

North American Perspective

The question of whether to form a single cue in front of a service with multiple stations or multiple queues in front of each station is a subtle one in North America. The convention is that for toilets, a situation where many people are likely to be equally in need of quick access, people tend to form a single queue where it is strictly first- come, first-served, rather than trust to the luck of selecti