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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:32:56
【摘要】 随着互联网的迅速普及,作为一种全新的贸易方式和商业模式,电子商务既是未来贸易的发展方向,也是我国实现自主创新、积极参与国际竞争的需要。然而目前我国在电子商务领域存在许多制约其发展的因素,至今尚未引起有关部门的高度重视。社会诚实信用体系缺失、交易活动安全保障体系不健全等导致消费者权益及知识产权保护难落实,严重制约了电子商务的健康发展,已成为我国发展电子商务的主要瓶颈。加快发展我国电子商务必须认真找出制约电子商务健康成长的主要原因,尽快解决电子商务发展中存在的问题。 【关键词】电子商务,网上诚信,安全性,立法,物流。
不要用软件翻译 都不通顺 哪个好心人英语好给翻译下 谢谢!

With the rapid popularization of the Internet as a new way trade and business models, e-commerce is the future direction of development of trade, but also the realization of China's independent innovation, and actively participate in international competition. However, in the field of e-commerce in China there are many constraints to its development, has yet to rise to the relevant departments attach great importance to. Honesty and lack of social credit system, the trading activities of the security system is not perfect, and so lead to consumer rights and protection of intellectual property rights is difficult to implement, has seriously hampered the healthy development of e-commerce, e-commerce development in China has become a major bottleneck. China must speed up the development of e-commerce serious constraints to identify the main reason for the healthy growth of e-commerce, e-commerce development as soon as possible to resolve the existing problems

[Abstract] Along