急!急!急 ! 去英国留学选工科还是商科好?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:38:38
我去英国留学,刚刚高中毕业,学理的,现在面临的问题是不知道学哪科,是工科好呐?还是商科好?请有经验的大虾指导一下。我在高中时理科成绩并不怎么好,好像就没及过格,不过听同学说预科工科很好学,但是进了大学就难了。不过出国学商的人又太多了,竞争太厉害。真不知道该怎么选了。 对了顺便告诉我一下,在英国工科商科分别有什么专业可选。能不能简单介绍下。 有关前途命运问题请大虾们慎重解答。 答的好还有加分!!!!

我都系过来人. I will try to give some suggestions.

[I went to US and study business for my bachelor degree]

Something you need to consider:
1. Do you want to work in UK or China or somewhere else?
2. Where do you want to live after the study?

Business is always the most common subject to study, and you can find a job easily with this degree everywhere. It's easy to finish the degreee comparing to Engineering because they are just common sense

Engineering is a more professional major which may take you more time and effort to finish the degree. It will have more limited choice for your job but it usually have higher salary at the beginning.

If you want to work in China, I think business is better; and if you want to work in UK or US, I think engineering is better.

Wish you all the best and good luck.

我本人现在在英国读工科的硕士.之前我也打算学商科的,因为在国内读本科是英语专业属于文科,工科自然不怎么强! 后来考虑到读BUSINESS的人实在实在太多!你会发现一个班级走进去绝大多数都是中国人!如此毕业后竞争自