英语介绍 尽量长些 关于兴趣 爱好的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 17:06:27
废话多点 却要地道

Hey! Good morning, I called Xiazhuo where, you know my hobbies, what is it? Yes, my interests are wide, for example, paint, play football, playing computer, and so on. But you know my favorite hobbies is? Do not know of it, or let me tell you. My favorite is the swimming. Xiao network composition

I remember on one occasion, a Saturday morning to finish the work, the father said: "Xiazhuo where we go swimming! I nodded. I put with a life buoy, and left. We are very happy to play, I once Also a fall in the water over it! Xiao network composition 嗨!大家好,我叫夏卓凡,你知道我的兴趣爱好是什么吗?对了,我的兴趣爱好很广泛比如说,画画、踢足球、玩电脑等等。但你知道我最喜欢的兴趣爱好是什么吗?不知道了吧,还是让我来告诉你吧。我最喜欢的就是游泳了。 小荷作文网
记得有一次,一个星期六的上午作业做完了,爸爸说:“夏卓凡,我们去游泳吧!我点点头。于是我就把救生圈拿着,就走了。我们玩得非常高兴,有一次我还在水里翻了一个跟头呢! 小荷作文网

   I like the love interest, and even love that one does not know Dongnanxibei.