
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 22:18:47
1 这个客人很难对付。deal with
2 今夏去不去旅游要看时间而定。depend on
3 我还没决定接下来做什么。decide
4 我哥梦想能有一部自己的汽车。dream of
5 能帮忙提一下箱子吗?do sb.a favor

It is hard to deal with this customer.

Go travelling or not in this summer is depend on the time.

I haven't decide what to do next yet.

My brother is dreaming of having his own car.

Can you do me a favor to carry this case?

1 这个客人很难对付。deal with
this customer is hard to deal with
2 今夏去不去旅游要看时间而定。depend on
Travelling in this summer depends on the time
3 我还没决定接下来做什么。decide
I haven't decided what to do next
4 我哥梦想能有一部自己的汽车。dream of
My elder brother dreams of his own car.
5 能帮忙提一下箱子吗?do sb.a favor
can you do me a favor to take this case?

The guest is difficult to deal with.
Wether to have a trip this summer depends on the time.
I haven't decided what to do next yet.
My brother dreams of having a car of his own.
Could you do me a favor to take this case?

1,It is difficult to deal with this guests.
2,Depends on the timing of this summer not to