
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 19:50:15
哪位朋友可以告诉我一下有关 京剧脸谱一系列专有名词的英文解释?比如像 描绘着色的方式分为 揉、勾、抹和破,像这种专用名词的英文。 比较急用,希望知道的朋友可以帮忙顶一下,谢谢大家!

没有! 老外接触京剧都是到中国来,先学点汉语再学点京剧,业余爱好者的翻译没有得到官方的认可,也未必准确,所以也没有写进教科书和辞典.你还是死了这份心吧......


The character roles in Beijing Opera are divided into four main types according to the sex, age, social status, and profession of the character.
Shen生 refers to male roles. 旦Dan refers to female roles. Jingo refers to the roles with painted faces.
丑Chou, or clown, is a comic character and can be recognized at first sight for his special make-up (a patch of white paint on his nose). The costumes in Beijing Opera impress the audience with their bright colors and magnificent embroidery Face Patterns
When you are watching a Beijing Opera, the most impressive place to you maybe is the "painted face". Face patterns follow a set mode in composition, sketching and coloring.Face patterns date far back in history. Ancient Chinese entertainers sometimes wore masks known as "dummy faces". In time, following the development of