
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:27:36
以”勤洗手,讲卫生”为中心内容,写一篇70个次左右的短文,内容包括:1 病菌无处不在,病菌使人生病:
2 手是传播病菌的主要途径,养成勤洗手的好习惯很主要
3 介绍你的洗手方法
4 勤洗手使你远离疾病,健康成长.

There is virus everywhere.It make people stick.

Sure,our hand is the way virus arrive at our body.In older to keep our health It is very important for us to wash hands often.
Of courise,It must be science that we wash hands .Frist,we need a piece of soap,than,fixing water touch our hands Finally,use water to clean the soap until your hands clean.

If we often wash hands ,wo can keep away from the virus and more and more healthly .

Virus is all around us, making people sick. It spreads mainly by hand touching, so it is important for us to wash hands very often. In order to clean your hands, you have to wash them under tap water with a piece of soap. Clean hands keep you away from diseases and help you grow up healthily.