my favourite film

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 22:41:25
急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!! 一小时之内公布,就太3Q了!!!要求100字以上,主题是“功夫熊猫”的。初一水准的,大哥大姐们,拜托,帮帮忙啊!!!!!!

KuangFu Panda is an interesting movie.First, Po is a big panda,he is very fat,but he has his own dream.Po want's to be a Great master,to save people in bad life by kuangfu.The Shifu teachs him how to fight,and make him to save the world.At last,He beat Tai Lung.Po had many friends, Monkey,Master Viper,Master Tigress,Master Mantis,Master Crane......I thought he is a great panda.He is a hero!I want to be the 2nd Po,to be a hero!