
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:28:01

Christian Dior出生于1905年法国的诺曼底,“Dior”在法文中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合,金色后来也成了Dior品牌最常见的代表色。Dior并不是服装设计出身,毕业于巴黎政治学院,又作为企业家之子,他对艺术的热情却从未消退。在时尚领域不断浮沉后,1946,已届不惑之年的Dior才在巴黎Montaigne大道开了第一家个人服饰店。

1947年,Dior推出他的第一个时装系列:急速收起的腰身凸显出与胸部曲线的对比,长及小腿的裙子采用黑色毛料点以细致的褶皱,再加上修饰精巧的肩线,颠覆了所有人的目光,被称为“New Look”,意指Dior带给女性一种全新的面貌。的确,Dior重建了战后女性的美感,树立了整个50年代的高尚优雅品味,亦把Christian Dior的名字,深深的烙印在女性的心中及20世纪的时尚史上。

Dior之所以能成为经典,除了其创新中又带着优雅的设计,亦培育出许多优秀的年轻设计师。Yves Saint Laurent、Marc Bohan、Gianfranco Ferre以及John Galliano在Dior过世后陆续接手,非凡的设计功力将Dior的声势推向顶点,而他们秉持的设计精神都是一样的——Dior的精致剪裁。2001年法国籍设计师Hedi Slimane接手改名后的DIOR HOMME,他的设计强调完美的线条,超小尺码的服装透过精瘦的年轻男模特儿呈现出一种带点病态的美感,风靡了全球。

如今,Dior的品牌范围除了高级时装,更早已拓展到香水、皮草、针织衫、内衣、化妆品、珠宝及鞋等领域,不断尝试、不断创新却始终保持着优雅的风格和品味。1947年,二次世界大战后的巴黎在重建世界时装中心的过程中,Dior作出了不可磨灭的贡献;2005年,Christian Dior诞生一百周年的今天,Dior持续带给人们生活和穿着的新体验。

In 1947, the Second World War is over, but the women's revolution has just burst into song. France came from a "bomb" into fashion at this time, not only is the visual shock or wear, but also affected following the whole history of fashion.

Christian Dior was born in 1905 in Normandy, France, "Dior" in French is "God" and "gold" combination, but later golden Dior brand has become the most common color on behalf of. Dior fashion design is not the origin, graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and entrepreneurs as the son of his passion for art has never faded. Continue to drift along in the field of fashion after 1946, have reached Buhuozhinian Dior's Avenue Montaigne in Paris to open its first store personal clothing.

In 1947, Dior introduced his first fashion line: the rapidly away from waistline to highlight the contrast with the curves of the chest, legs and a long black wool skirt point to