most time/the most time/most of one's time那个对?或者都有怎么用?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:05:03


most time
What people you devote most time to? - 你会为什么人致力于最多的时间?
The most time
He spend the most time online - 他大部分时间花在上网上。
most of one's time
By 2030, most of one's time was spent putting information in or taking it out of communication devices. - 到2030年,一个人的大部分时间是花在从通信设备中存取信息。

most of the time
What exposure mode do you use most of the time? - 你大部分时间是用什么曝光方式?

most of the time 大多数时间
often 经常
