
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 08:27:00



胆量可嘉,后果严重,真的是PF PF

One the most bad composition is such"
English teacher.You are a devil simply.You set out so many homeworks, letting us sit up every day, what copy a single phrase, copying a text, if you are a student, I really want to let all of you to the homework of the whole classeses to do to finish, letting you taste to do the taste that the N has another homework, and your old love call names, always keeping scold to the boy, to girl but gentle and soft of also say very much our boy fight to excel, test like to also disappear a clear sky, teacher, we didn't rise a grades to hope you are turn to walk!Teacher, you don't understand us, we scold you privately, did you hear?The demon of CHEN2 PI2 LAO3, British grievance.......(The behind province go to. this composition got a goal, but was lambasted at one feed by the teacher)you
Ask the viewpoint that you say your heart!