
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 21:22:41
wangfei@wangfei-laptop:/media/disk/softwire/h3c802.1xClient$ sudo linux1x –c
ERROR! Command line arguments conflict!
Usage 1(to authenticate):
linux1x [authentication options]
authentication options are:
[-u <UserName[/password]>].specify user name and password for authentication.
[-n <NetworkDeviceName>]...specify network card name for authentication, such as eth0,eth1,etc.
[-d] ......................start authentication with daemon mode(background mode).
[-p] ......................start authentication with interactive mode, prompt user to input all the necessary information.

Usage 2(to view network status info):
linux1x -v [LastingTime]..."LastingTime" specifies the lasting time in seconds for this viewing operation(0 or without argument means forever). Also, this command will show the version of this software.

Usage 3(to configure network connection information):
linux1x -c

哈哈,同学我终于解决了,不知道我的办法你适不适用。我是编辑那个 网络连接里面的。将 eth1改为eth0就可以了
运行sudo linux1x -c (我是ubuntu),出现了
The way to initialize 802.1X authentication.......:multicast
Send all packets by multicast.....................:N
Refresh IP address after connecting...............:Y
Save message and package to log...................:N
Continue to configure your network connection arguments?(Y/N)