请帮忙翻译一下一个论文题目:经济全球化对中国高等教育的影响和对策分析。 谢谢:)最好专业一点~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 03:05:30
某某 对中国政府危机管理的现状作了分析并提出对策,劳烦再翻一下这句,谢..........thanks

Impact of Economy Globalization on China's
Higher Education and the Countermeasure Analysis

the author analyzes the present status of the management of China government’s crisis and proposes some countermeasures.

The Influence of Economic Globalization On The Higher Education In China And Its Countermeasuer Analysis.

某某 对中国政府危机管理的现状作了分析并提出对策
XX have made an analysis on the present status of Chinese government's crisis administration and bring up a countermeasure.

Impact of Economic Gobalization on Higher Education & Strategic Analysis

ABC had analysed Chinese government's current crisis management and therefore put the counterpolicy on the issue.

the analysis of the influence and counter-measure/reaction of higher educations in China due to economic globalization

某某 has analyzed and suggested counter-measure rega