
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 06:49:21
题目是my opinion about running red lights,三段式,1.有人认为闯红灯无所谓 2.有人认为闯红灯不应该 3.我的看法~~~~高分啊~~

My opinion about running red lights

Some people think it is ok to run red lights, and that it is not a big deal. Their points are: as long as there is no traffic, and as long as they do not affect other people, what is the problem? And if the worst thing happens, for example, if they are run over by a car, it is only their own responsibilities!

More people believe it is not right to run red lights. After all we are living in a regulated society. To observe the regulations can only do us own good. Nobody likes to see accidents happening, and the best way to prevent it is to abide by the rules!

In my opinion, we should not run red lights at any time. Everybody should be able to afford to wait for a few more seconds. As far as I know, in developed countries people rarely run red lights, even if there is no traffic at all at night. Good behaviour can not only translate into low incidence of accidents, but also show the world that we are a great nation, f