
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:24:48


Through the understanding in(这里用in我个人觉得要比of好,能表示自己从内到里的一种摸索)my own,I'd define myself as a person with versatile excution capacity,flexible creativity and strong learning ability.With a relative high level of general competence,I'd aim(orientate) my career goal to a position of manager in Administrative Department.And Ryan happens to have proposed a training program for
management trainees,I desire to take the honor to join Ryan and make joint development.

By its own understanding, I think I am an executive power, creativity, ability to learn very strong, high overall quality, so I put their own careers to become a target for management of professional managers, while Ryan and There are just management trainees this training program, I would like to be able to join Ryan, Ryan and common development.
