
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:35:19
1. 山随平野尽,江入大荒流.
2. 月下飞天镜,云生结海楼.
3. 这是一首五言律诗.李白写诗自由,奔放,所以律诗写得不多.
4. 从这首律诗中,我们可以看到对仗,押韵,声调等规律的具体应用.

1. Hirano do with the Shan, Da Huang Jiang into the flow.
2. Flying under the microscope on, the cloud of Health knot sea floor.
3. This is a Wuyan Poems. Li Bai's poems free, unrestrained, Poems written so much.
4. Poems From the first, we can see that the antithesis, rhyme, tone and so on the specific application of the law

1.The mountain along with the campaign, the river enters the serious famine class
2.Under month flying apsaras mirror, cloud pine resin sea building
3.This is a five-character lyushi. Li Bai composes a poem freely, bold, therefore Lushi writes not much
4.From this first Lushi, we may see the antithesis, the ryhme, rule and so on intonation concrete applications.