
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:15:15
With the new medical treatment testing on hold for muscular dystrophy, I strongly feel that as a member of the ethics committee we should use this opportunity to under take the clinical trials of UtX for boys with that disease.Muscular dystrophy has no form of treatment at the moment, therapist can only help the paitents to prevent or reduce the deformation of the joints and the spine and have the people that inherited muscular disease from muscle been wasted away be as amubulate as possible.

谢啦~~这只是一部分,还有更多 没发上来 (主要是没写完)

谢谢各位,好的坏的 都发上来!!! 越快越好 过几天老师要交T_T

1 With the new medical treatment testing on hold for muscular dystrophy---With the new medical treatment held for muscular dystrophy under testing;2 ethics committee ?3 under take undertake 4 Muscular dystrophy has no form of treatment at the moment,---no treatment is available for muscular dystrophy at the moment;5 therapist can only help the paitents to prevent or reduce the deformation of the joints and the spine ,---therapists can only help paitents prevent or reduce the possibility deformation of the joints and the spine.6 and have the people that inherited muscular disease from muscle been wasted away be as amubulate as possible?



我想这是你所要表达的吧!我认为不论哪一篇真实写出的文章都是会有语法的错误,而既然有人能看懂你的文章,那么你的意思算是传达到啦 ^__^,至于那些语法的错误,还是让老师帮你纠正吧,因为这样你才能记得更牢不是吗?

kuso_娃娃 :-)
