
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:44:55

A world famous brand, can not be called developed countries, a lack of brand names in the world market is not a perfect market. If you create a business brand, not only on behalf of an enterprise, industry, a product, but also on behalf of a Region, and indeed for the country's economic and image. Brand enterprises is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol of national strength.'s Success or failure of brand marketing, direct impact on the birth of the famous or not. This article from brand to brand and marketing and brand marketing Start with modeling, analysis of a number of important brand marketing, brand marketing studies of a number of important measure slightly, the combination of Chinese corporate brand marketing problems and put forward China's development of brand marketing, and Heng Yuan Xiang combined with the implementation of brand strategy made empirical analysis .


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it is not a flawl