
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:46:24
School and Albert Einstein did not mix well.His teachers thought he was __1___.Einstein's thoughts and words were jumbled. His __2___was poor. Playing the violin was __3___ he was good at as a child. When he was ten , he met Dr Max Talmy. Talmy talked with the boy and tried to help him. They __4___books, and Einstein__5___in maths.Heunderstood __6___ maths problems and ideas. Inside this “__7___”boy was a genius!School work never became __8___ for Einstein. He could not learn things by heart.Playing attention was __9___ for him. He even did not pass his first test to __10__ college. __11__ his learning problms, Einstein made __12__ friends. He was shy in groups of people. __13__ he overcame his shortcoming. Albert Einstein became a __14__ scientist in the __15__ of physics.He was one of the most important thinkrers of the modern age.

1.A.stupid B.clever C.too small D.too shy
2.A.housework B.school C.teachers D.school
3.A.that B.which C.all D.whether

1. A 看上下文,用排除法。 第一句说A.E和学校总不能“友好相处”,后面又说他的思想和措辞乱糟糟的 那跟人小 害羞 聪明都不符了。
2. 选项与文章内容都不符。看下文,答案可能为兴趣等。
3。C 上文说了XX is poor。 这句的拉小提琴应该是补充说明。所以要强调这是他孩提时代唯一擅长的。
4. A 排除法。Dr。M.T 要帮他 不可能他们去卖书 C D项与book连用不符合逻辑 一般要接具体的内容或书名。
5 A 答案应为showed interests吧 7那句说GENIUS 天才 由此判断前两句应该都是说他对数学感兴趣,会很多数学难题。
6. D 同上。
7. D 这句话是感叹句。既然说是天才,又有引号 那肯定跟天才的意思相反。 并且前面说他在学校里时,老师都认为他很笨。 现在发现 原来这个笨小孩居然是个天才。其他选项都不用加引号。
9。D 上文说他不能用心学,记不住。那集中注意力应该对于他来说很难。
10. A 按逻辑应为入学。文中没有说离开,就不存在回来。 join in 一般用于入伍,参加社团等。 进入大学用enter。
11. 若选项无错误,那应为C。 但又觉得学习的问题与交朋友不存在因果关系,若D为instead of, 意为“除了。。。” 觉得更说的通。
12. A 下文说在人群中害羞。所以应为A,几乎没什么朋友。
13。 D 上文说很少朋友, 学习又有问题。这句说克服了缺点。由此看出,此处有转折关系。
14. C A.E 成为了怎样的科学家应该众所周知了。 A B 不能与scientist 连用。
15. D 惯用法。 “在。。。领域”为 in the field of。。。