
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 12:21:09
im am....this> Today I will talk about me ... I hope you understand often thought to die in ... most never tried to kill me (not so far) you need to be in a phase I understand ... another step to amaze me ... it is another to feel (see me smile! needs to feel what I feel I need to play ... feel my heart , the world needs to wake up! what I am saying is: things in my heart ... I am no poet, not a patient, I'm trying to show you! it's so ... when I wrote that I was sad wanting to die you know how you agree and feel that do not have anyone? Then you felt the same thing I my supposed family supports me in anything not to do that for them is a fool you do not know how I feel I live with my grandparents I created my my not, I do not have her as mother I hate it! I hate my father, he also not created me! I just got done I am a nobody without being ... because of that I am melancholy, valoriso everything in this world know who is my friend, I know who is my enemy I am not a victim I

我...这个..今天我谈谈我自己的事情.我希望你懂得经常想去死的感受,不久的将来我可能会自杀,你我了解你的一段时间里,我有了其他的惊讶,我对生活有了别的看法,你看着我微笑,陪我一起玩,感受我的感受,倾听我的心声,唤醒我的世界,这是我的心里话,我不是诗人,也没耐心,只是表露一个真实的我,当我写这些的时候我很想去死.你难以想象如何接受一个孤独的景况.我以为家里人会支持我,可他们把我当傻瓜,我希望和爷爷 奶奶住在一起,我恨我的父母.我只想了断了因为我孤独,或许谁都知道谁是自己真正的朋友和敌人.我不是牺牲品,我把每件事情都藏在心里,我为世界奉献了快乐,我看到很多人在别人要在饥饿死亡中挣扎的时候还在冷笑.世上有很多的不公平.我将不会选择死亡,我会为我爱的人去斗争.现在,你读到我的信,得到一个对我的总结,告诉我你所想的
希望更多的朋友读到他,当你难过的时候 你也感同身受.

