丁肇中的简介重点包括他的研究成果和奋斗经历(英文版 英语水平大一)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:17:31


Ting's ancestry is Rizhao (日照县), Shandong, on mainland China. His parents, Kuan-hai Ting (丁观海) and Tsun-ying Jeanne Wang (王隽英), met as graduate students in Michigan and moved back to the warring China when Samuel Ting was an infant. As a result, Samuel Ting's formal childhood education had been discontinuous and sporadic, and he was mostly home-schooled by his parents, who later became professors of science and psychology, respectively, at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. His formal education began at twelve at the prestigious Provincial Chien-Kuo High School (建国中学, now Municipal Taipei Chien-Kuo Senior High School) in Taipei. After high school, he studied one year at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City.

When Ting returned to the United States in his twenties, he studied engineering, mathematics and physics at the University of Michigan. In 1959 he was awarded BSEs in both mathematics and physics, and in 1962 he earned a doctor