
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 00:03:07
不偷 不抢 与人为善即属正义!明辨是非 不助纣为虐 不落井下石即属正义!真正能扶天下之危,济天下之困者才是最具有正义的人!我们这个社会需要这样的人!这样的人,在国家或人民有利益受到伤害的时侯,义不容辞的担负起自己的历史使命到最需要自己的地方去!这样的人,为了国家或人民利益,会付出自己的一切乃至生命!


Instinct is just and rational compromise. When all the needs of instinct is threatened, there will be no justice in this world
Do not steal and are not robbed of justice is an artificial good! Does not distinguish between right and wrong siding with the bully not just an insult to injury! Can really help the world's danger, the world's economic difficulties were the most righteous people who have! Our society needs such a person! Such a person in the country or harm the interests of the people of the times, duty-bound to take up their historic mission to the needs of their own places! Such a person, or to the national interests of the people will have to pay all their own, and even life
