
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:58:55

Southern aristocratic family, a symbol of the decline of the entire system of slavery and the failure of co-exist with the collapse of traditional moral values; black and white of the unequal relationship between the younger generation to the psychological conflict: they do not want to as the black for the next and so on, But not in violation of the South's traditional code of ethics, or else they will be betraying the family, social and cultural heritage of the white, in their history under the shadow of growth in the painful contradictions in thinking and self-seeking!

南方贵族家族的衰落象征整个蓄奴制的失败和与之并存的传统道德观念的瓦解;白人与黑人之间的不平等关系给青年一代造成的心理冲突:他们不愿意视黑人为下等人,但又不能违反南方传统的道德准则,否则他们将要背叛家庭,白人社会和文化遗产,他们在历史的阴影下成长,在矛盾中痛苦的思索和寻求自我!Southern aristocratic family, a symbol of the decline of the entire system of slavery and the failure of co-exist with the collapse of traditional moral values; black and white of the unequal relationship between the younger generation to the psychological conflict: they