
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 00:27:56

Translation meters with Subway
The reward points: 0 - from the end of the issue have 14 days 23 hours
"Angels in the subway entrance to say goodbye to me of the year, I can not see a gradually.'s 15-year-old birthday in the fall in the morning, under a drizzle outside the window, I feed my cat good, 6:05, I went underground Iron. "Opened a few meters of" Metro ", you can see the beautiful smell, sound, color images in the immediate scene to scene too young. The book follows the blind girl, full of color together to hear the voice will sound together to see color. As a result of our corner of the city, trees in the breeze, at the end of Gravitropism in the entrance of the exports to the sky from the station to another station, saw, it was thought, would not have thought of or with the world of light and shade.