英语for which reson给我噎住了!求助大侠!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:37:20
He asserted that his power to follow a purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reson he felt certain that he never could have succeded with mathematics.

那个reson在句里是咋解释啊?for which ---不是修饰前面整个句子吗?怎么多个reson? “for which reson” 这个地方语法结构我搞不懂。

这是08年考研英语试题,可翻译成:他深信,他理解抽象事物的能力有限,正因如此,他认为他决不可能在数学方面有所建树。 for 。。。reason:出于什么原因的意思,如 For no reasons, i just like him. 没有理由,我就是喜欢他。/for some reason:出于某种原因。which 引导前面整个句子。

.... for which/that reson , for 是因为的意思 懂了吧

= =老兄,你的reason拼错了."for which reason" refers to sentence in the front,it is the same as"because of that".无论是"reason"还是我给你转换的"because of that"中的"that",都是指前面句子中的"his power to follow a purely abstract train of thought was very limited",这句子意思你懂吧?说的就是因为他的抽象概念上的想象能力十分有限,导致他数学不好,那个reason就是指的这个咯.晕!看了楼上才知道这是考研题...怎么那么简单OTZ