
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 15:24:08
1.As scientific knowledge increased, so did the practical applications. The eighteenth century witnessed the beginning of what is usually called the Industrial Revolution, in which machines began to do more and more of the work that previously had been down by human beings or animals. In the nineteenth century and in our own day, both scientific research and the practical applications of its results have progressed rapidly. They have given the civil engineer new and stronger materials, the mathematical formulas which he can use to calculate the stresses that will be encountered in a structure, and machines that make possible the construction of skyscrapers, dams, tunnels, and bridges that could never have been built before.

2.Many different kinds of engineers often work on large project, such as space exploration or nuclear power development. In the space program, for example, the launching pads and the rocket assembly and storage building at Cape Canaveral, Florida-the lar



3.Still另一结果增加了科学知识的是,工程已经发展成为一种职业。专业是一个占领像法律,医学,或工程,需要专门的,先进的教育;事实上,它们往往是所谓的“经验教训的职业” 。直到19世纪,工程师一般是工匠或项目组织者谁的经验教训他们的技能通过学徒制,在职培训,或审判和错误。如今,许多工程师花几年在大学学习的先进程度。然而,即使是那些工程师谁不学习先进程度必须意识到改变其栏位和相关。土木工程剂量谁不知道新材料,已成为可不能成功地竞争与谁做