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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:55:00
Does success in a subject depend more on the teacher or the student?

When it comes to subject success, both students and teachers play a major role, however, the student’s hard work is usually the factor that determines whether or not they will be successful in a subject. Firstly, if a student failed to meet up their basic requirements and responsibilities, he/she will not likely to succeed in a course. For instance, students need to try attend all classes and hand in their projects on time. Further, they should always be prepared for tests and quizzes. Of course teachers could do reviews, but what really matters are the time students spend studying at home. Secondly, students should develop good study habits, this is a key factor on the way to success. Which includes leave social life outside of classroom and concentrate on what the teacher is saying. Moreover, students should always ask the teacher if they get confused over a question or does not understand wh


当谈到问题的成功,学生和教师发挥重要作用,然而,学生的辛勤工作通常是决定因素,不管他们是否会取得成功的一个主题。首先,如果一个学生没有满足他们的基本要求和责任,他/她将不可能成功的课程。例如,学生需要尝试参加所有课程和交出他们的项目时间。此外,他们应该总是准备考试和测验。当然,教师可以做评论,但真正重要的是学生花费的时间在家里学习。其次,学生应该养成良好的学习习惯,这是一个关键因素的道路上取得成功。其中包括离开社会生活之外的教室和专注于老师是怎么说的。此外,学生应该总是问老师,如果让他们困惑的一个问题或不明白老师说,机会是你问的问题可能出现在明年的测试时间。最后但并非最不重要,学生应在课堂上参与和学习的一个有趣的事情。我们大家都知道,他说: “所有的工作,没有发挥使得杰克乏味的男孩。 ”没有介入阶级,学生可以很容易感到厌倦和他们的目光转向了。出于这个原因,他们应该作出评论,并给予自己的意见类读物,是老师说,和其他学生的意见。此外,活跃在课堂上的讨论将有助于加深理解他们的学习,使学习更加愉快。因此,指责教师未能提高学生的主体商标像指责警察的犯罪浪潮,没有学生的努力,成功的机会在一个主题是非常低的。

...the subject of success...
...will not be likely to...
...try to attend...
...what really matters is the time....
...includs leaving...concentrating...
...should always turn to the teacher if they get confused over a question or do not understand what the teacher is saying.The question you asked may appear...
,..raise students’ subject mark
...the chances of succeeding in a subject is very slim.