
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 06:58:37
The boot process
The sequence of events that occurs between the time that you turn on a computer and the time that it is ready for you to issue commands is referred to as the boot process or “ booting” your computer. Your computer boots up by first loading a small program into memory, and then it uses that small program to load a large operating system. Your computer’s small boot program is built into special ROM (read-only memory) circuitry house d in the computer’s system unit. When you turn on a computer, the ROM circuitry receives power and begins the boot process.

With a Windows computer, the boot process usually proceeds smoothly and, in a short time, you can begin working with your application software. Sometimes, however, the boot process encounter s a problem that must be fix ed before you can begin a computing session. You can fix many of the problems a computer might encounter during the boot process. Make sure, however, that you follow the guideline s pro

启动过程或“启动计算机”是指从你开启计算机到计算机就绪并等待命令输入这段时间内发生的连续事件。你的计算机启动时,首先将一段小的代码载入内存,之后计算机调用那段小代码实现操作系统载入。这段小的启动代码内建于计算机系统单元的特定只读存储器电路(ROM circuitry)中。当你开启计算机时,特定的只读存储器电路的电源被接通并且开始启动过程。

