英语作文 ( 商业英语) 强人进

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 18:41:20
Dana Haeri 收到Ms Jamieson 寄的2000年产品目录和价格表 并以研究过 现在 Dana Haeri 想向Ms Jamieson 要下一份价值为¥1200附加增值税的订单 在收货时付现金 但要求对方确认能给于整个订单10%的折扣

Dana Haeri has been received and analysized catalog and price list on year 2000 from Ms Jamieson. And now Sana Haeri wants to ask Ms Jamieson for next order with rmb1200 of value added tax, and need pay by COD (Cash on Delivery) term. However, it needs to be confirmed that there's 10% discount for the whole order.