
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:11:01
2.John与Mary互相交换了礼物,但是都无法再用上了。(exchange,no longer)

1. There is not enough money to equip the classrooms and offices with the newest computer system in our school。
2.John and Mary exchange the gifts, but they will be used no longer。
3.Just as expected the attentence exceed 300.
4.We wonder the existence of the earth。
5.The difficulty we face is how to help the ill and the poor。

1. The lack of school funding and equipment for the Office of the classroom-to-date computer system.
2.John and Mary exchanged gifts with each other, but can not be used on.
3. As expected, the number of people attending the meeting more than 300.
4. We would like to know how the Earth was formed.
5. We face the difficulties is how to help those who are sick and the poor.

1.There's not enough money for the school to equip the newest computer system of the classroom and office.
2.John and mary exchanged the gifts,but they both could no longer be used.
3.As we all expected, the number of peopl